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Table WSB_ComplaintCPR

Stores the Complaint Registration.


Name Value
Access Public
Caption Complaint
DataClassification CustomerContent
DataPerCompany True
DrillDownPageId WSB_ComplaintListCPR
LookupPageId WSB_ComplaintListCPR


ID Type Name Description
1 Code[20] No
5 Code[20] NoSeries
20 Code[20] CustomerNo
21 Text[100] CustomerName
22 Code[20] VendorNo
23 Text[100] VendorName
24 Code[20] ItemNo
25 Text[100] ItemDescription
26 Code[20] Type
30 Code[50] ReportedBy
31 Code[50] ToBeResolvedBy
32 Date ToBeResolvedFor
33 Code[50] ResolvedBy
34 Date ResolvedOn
35 Decimal HandlingCosts
36 Decimal InsuranceClaims
37 Decimal ByTaxingCosts
38 Decimal ByTaxingTime
39 Date ExecutedOnDate
40 Text[100] PersonsToInform
41 Date InformedOnDate
42 Code[50] HandledBy
43 Text[100] Result
44 Enum WSB_ComplaintStatusCPR Status
45 Code[50] StatusBy
46 DateTime StatusOn
50 Boolean ChangeProcedureNecessary
51 Boolean BoardInvolved
52 Boolean IncludedInMonthlyMeeting
55 Code[20] ContactNo
56 Text[30] ContactCity
57 Text[30] ContactPhoneNo
60 Code[20] ImprovementMeasureCode
61 Text[50] ImprovementMeasureDesc
62 Code[20] ConclusionCode
63 Text[50] ConclusionDescription
70 Text[35] Reference
71 Code[35] OwnOrderNo
72 Decimal Quantity
73 Decimal Amount
74 Integer ItemLedgerEntryNo
75 Code[50] LotNo
76 Code[50] SerialNo
80 Enum WSB_ComplaintRatingTypeCPR Rating
81 Code[50] RatingBy
82 Date RatingOn